Equally Effective Access Accommodation Plan (EEAAP) for Hypothesis


In order to run the Hypothesis pilot, we needed to develop an Equally Effective Access Accommodation Plan (EEAAP), which in turn had to approved by the university’s Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Coordinator’s Office. 

Our Equally Effective Access Accommodation Plan

What are the accommodations that will be in place? 

EEAAP staff will provide assistance to the individual requesting accommodation in the following formats: in-person, email, phone, or based on requestors preference. The team will respond within 24 hours of the request and determine a timeline to provide an accommodation within 3 business days. Assistance will be available regardless of time or staffing needs and may be done outside of working hours. 

Anticipated ways of accommodating users include verbal delivery of material or rewriting of material in a format the user can access (for example, writing out comments from other students in a linear format via email). The ODE staff will work with instructors to ensure that users do not receive penalties for missing due dates or important work due to accessibility issues. 

What is the plan for communicating the existence of the accommodation and for relaying information between involved parties? 

The above plans will be shared with the instructor overseeing the course utilizing Hypothesis. Hypothesis will only be sanctioned for use in its Carmen integrated format. Instructors will also include this language in their syllabus:

"This course utilizes an online social annotation tool called Hypothesis. If you encounter an issue with access to this tool, please contact your faculty member and asc-accessibility@osu.edu. Accommodation will be arranged for you to complete any work required with this tool free of penalty."

This language will also be sent via email to student participants in classes where Hypothesis is adopted after the start of a semester. 

What is the timeline for implementing the plan? 

The plan will go into effect as soon as Hypothesis is added to Carmen and faculty contact ASC ODE and are informed of the existence of accommodation plans.