Scarlet Canvas

Unlike CarmenCanvas, the ScarletCanvas platform does not require an OSU email address for access and is primarily intended for professionalization and outreach efforts not tied to credit-bearing University courses. ScarletCanvas courses can be posted publicly to be open to anyone or can be posted privately for a select group registered through an email list.

ScarletCanvas courses can be delivered for free or may be associated with a fee, depending on the course and its intended audience. For the first two pilot years, the College of Arts and Sciences will absorb the costs of operating the ScarletCanvas platform. Departments will receive all revenue generated from fee-based courses.

Scarlet Canvas Logo

The Office of Distance Education is excited to help grow a robust collection of dynamic learning experiences that allows each department and faculty member an opportunity for public engagement and outreach. Several other colleges have already adopted ScarletCanvas and use it in a wide variety of contexts, including:

  •  Continuing education & professional development
  •  Non-credit certificates
  •  Public outreach and engagement
  •  Advancement events and development initiatives
  •  Corporate and donor partnerships
  •  Online conferences or conference management
  •  “Trial course” recruitment efforts
  •  Other projects and intitiatives

The Office of Distance Education can support ScarletCanvas projects by:

  •  Identifying courses well-suited for ScarletCanvas
  •  Creating and setting up courses in ScarletCanvas
  •  Aiding in the strategic planning of ScarletCanvas course development
  •  Developing budget models for fee-based courses
  •  Supporting course design, or course re-design, appropriate for the ScarletCanvas platform
  •  Reviewing course content for appropriate accessibility and cybersecurity standards
  •  Developing and facilitating an appropriate evaluation and assessment plan for ScarletCanvas courses
  •  Equipping unit contact to facilitate and manage ScarletCanvas content after build is complete

If you think you have a project that would fit well within the ScarletCanvas space, please schedule a consultation with one of the Office of Distance Education Instructional Designers.

Request a Consultation