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DL Course Review Process and Required Documents

The ASC Undergraduate Curricular Approval Process is outlined on the College of Arts and Sciences Curriculum and Assessment services website.

In addition to the regular curricular approval processes, distance learning courses not yet approved by the ASC Curriculum Committee must be submitted to the Office of Distance Education for an initial review of the course's distance learning syllabus and the ASC Distance Approval Cover Sheet. All DL/DH courses are required to use the ASC Distance Learning Syllabus Template.

Please note the specific guidelines from the ASC Honors Committee regarding online offerings of Honors courses.

It is highly recommended that instructors developing new DL/DH courses or adapting DL/DH versions of courses previously taught only in a classroom setting schedule a consultation with an Office of Distance Education Instructional Designer. This consultation will provide support in making sure that the format, structure, and tools used in your course are well-suited for reaching your instructional goals. This instructional design support is available to all ASC Faculty and Associated Faculty to support the development of more accessible, inclusive, and engaging online courses and programs.

Please send course syllabi and completed cover sheets to the ASC Office of Distance Education (ascode@osu.edu) for this preliminary review. Then, courses can be submitted via curriculum.osu.edu (portal for College of Arts and Sciences Curriculum Submissions, access limited) with the signed ASC Distance Approval Cover Sheet and other required documents.

When building your course, we recommend using the ASC Distance Learning Course Template for CarmenCanvas.