ASC Distance Learning Syllabus Template

The ASC Distance Learning Syllabus template was adopted in 2021 as required for all ASC Distance Learning course approval proposals and updated to improve accessibility in the Spring of 2023. In February of 2024, the Syllabus Template was revised to reflect the Arts and Sciences Curriculum Committee (ASCC) decision to implement new guidelines for Regular and Substantive Interaction in online courses.

ASC Distance Learning Syllabus Template User Guide

This template was designed to work for the greatest number of users on the greatest number of devices. As such, it is ready to be customized to fit the needs of online (and hybrid) courses in the College of Arts and Sciences, but it can also be used for in-person classes.

As you begin editing, you should note the suggested language that appears throughout. Feel free to use this language directly in your own syllabi. However, when text appears in [brackets], you should expect to insert specific and detailed course policies of your own making. The bracketed language that appears is meant to serve as a guide for you in creating this.

How to use this template

The guidelines below are suggestions for how best to use this template document:

  • Highlight only the text you want to edit, then begin typing. NOTE: Double clicking to highlight entire lines may compromise the pre-formatted styles.
  • The following sections are required and will need to be retained on each syllabus. These sections should need minimal editing. All other sections are recommended for inclusion:
    • Course expected learning outcomes
    • (If this is a GE course) General education goals and expected learning outcomes (see below for assistance locating these)
    • Course Materials and Technologies
    • Academic Policies
    • Course Calendar
  • All tables in this template that have been formatted following digital accessibility standards with header rows and columns where appropriate. To edit tables, please follow these guidelines:
    • To add a row or column, place your cursor within the cell that you’d like the new row or column to appear next to, then from the menu called “Insert” select the item that you’d like to add and the appropriate location.
    • To delete a row or column, place your cursor within a cell that this row or column includes, the from the menu called “Table” (or “Table Design”) find “Delete” and then select the appropriate action.
    • All tables in this template include general Alt Text. We recommend you use also apply Alt Text for any images or additional tables you include in your syllabus. For more info about editing alt text in Word docs, consult this resource: “Composing Accessible Alt Text
    • If you have trouble editing the tables and would like further guidance, consult this resource: “Creating Accessible Tables in Word
  • Once you are done editing it is recommended that you consult the built-in Accessibility Checker for Word. You can find this under the “Tools” or “Review” menus. Selecting “Check Accessibility” will open a side panel with recommendations for digital accessibility remediations needed and how to complete these, should any appear.

Should you have any questions or concerns arise while using this template, contact the ASC Office of Distance Education to schedule a one-on-one consultation.


Use of some tech tools may require specific language be added to your syllabus - this language can be found here.

Information for GE courses

The GE goals, ELOs, and a brief statement about how the course meets the goals and ELO’s, is required in syllabi for all GE categories that a course has been approved to meet (including Legacy GE categories).

Digital Accessibility and Branding

This template was also designed to meet MDAS at Ohio State, and to adhere to best practices for digital accessibility. Part of this design includes formatted headers, organized and unorganized lists, font sizes and color contrast, as well as attention to branded formatting and style guides consistent with best practices for The Ohio State University.

The fonts used in the creation of this template are Georgia and Arial, the recommended alternative fonts for documents following Ohio State’s branding guidelines. For more information about font formatting, visit and navigate to the page where they can be found by selecting Brand Guidelines >> Visual Identity >> Fonts.

A PDF version of the ASC Distance Learning Syllabus Template User Guide can be downloaded here.

How to use a Microsoft Word Template file (.dotx)

 The ASC Distance Learning Syllabus Template is formatted as a Microsoft Word Template file (.dotx). You can download and use this template file from this website as much as you’d like. But this file is also designed so that you can easily save it as a template within your personal instance of Microsoft Word. If you’d like to pursue this option, this will need to be done from the Microsoft Word desktop client. To learn more about downloading the Microsoft Word app and using it as a part of the Ohio State’s Microsoft 365, consult the resources that are found on this website.

To save this document as a template file, start by clicking on the template linked here. This will open the file as a new document on your computer. Before you begin to edit:  

  1. Click “File” on the menu bar that appears at the top of your screen, then click “Save As.”
  2. Enter a default name that you will easily recognize for the template document in the “File Name” field.
  3. In the field called “File Format,” select “Word Template (.dotx)” as the file type.
  4. Fill in any other necessary fields that you are asked to fill, the click the “Save” button.
    • Note: if Microsoft Word displays a warning message about saving the file in a new format, click the “OK” button.
  5. Close this document.
  6. To use as a template from here, open a “New” document in Microsoft Word, then select from the template you saved under “Personal” or “My Templates” in the section of the Available Templates window.

This will always open as a new document (under a generic “Document#” file name) on your computer that you will be prompted to rename and choose a location when you’ve edited and are ready to save. From here, you can edit as needed.